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  • Make Out -
    Make Out Shadow Box 8 , 2009 "Make Out" is the eight piece in the Shadow Box series of interactive displays with a built-in computerized tracking system. This piece shows thousands of internet videos of couples looking at each other: as soon as
  • Satellite Contact -
    Satellite Contact is a two-screen video portrait of the British National Archives (formerly known as the Public Records Office). Satellite Contact never touches the ground: it takes the viewer on an hour-long roller-coaster ride through the guts of
  • framework f5x5x5 -
    Framework is a kinetic light sculpture constituted by five modules. Each of these modules is constituted of 5 horizontal and 5 vertical square elements, establishing a grid of 5x5x5 =125 frames. This resolution writing is present in the project
  • White Cube -
    The spirit of contemporary art Most of the sensible minds have understood, since now long, that there is no reason to produce significant artwork nor explore virgin territories. It is a fundamental fact: it has to « be like contemporary art »…as
  • Noise and Smoke -
    This installation consists of two vintage Bakelite telephones from the 1950ies. They are placed in viewing distance to eachother. When visitors pick up their telephone receivers, dial a number and talk into their mouthpieces, their voices are
  • Long Wave - video
    Long wave is a site specific installation that was commissioned by Luminato, Toronto Festival of Arts + Creativity and was on view at the Allen Lambert Galleria, Brookfield Place, Toronto, June 5 - 20, 2009. It is a 380 foot long, 60 foot high
  • Four participants enter into a small, closed off, pitch black dark room. The room houses a large architectural construction: 4, 1 x 6 meter long tunnels outfitted with a series of taught, fabric muslin screens. The rear screen is solid while the
  • TGarden is a responsive media environment in which small groups of participants from the general public influenced and played with real-time-generated sound and image through improvised movement and gesture. Visitors to the environment —which
  • M2 video
    Overall, the event is cyclical; however, the groups spend variable amounts of time going through the chambers. The immersion room is the only area of the environment where visitors are allotted a fixed time. Also, each group of spectators contains
  • Long time no dig… Seventeen years after the first virtual tunnel: The Tunnel under the Atlantic (1995), linking the Pompidou Centre in Paris and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Montreal, and fifteen years after the Paris New Delhi Tunnel, now is