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  • ... movements as the machines transform a single material - plastic, wax, metal or...
  • Der Wald
    ... circular path within the forest, thereby forming the third line of movement. The...
  • ... fashion, “float” around the cymbal, forming a vortex-like configuration. The temporal...
  • ... The rise and fall of the hands as they forming a swarm that flocks together like birds in...
  • 400s -
    ... and 1,30 metres in diameter. These soft-formed elements are not regarded as autonomous and...
  • ...laces is a software fiction that creates a networked formed ad hoc to connect dispersed data places....
  • ... / tools / toys in which the artwork is formed through the accumulated interactions of its...
  • ... protecting Dilukai from Micronesia, hands forming the mudra 'Lotus and Bee' in a labyrinth,...
  • ... company from Interval - Purple Moon - formed to market products based on this research....
  • SoleNoid
    ... a large 4m diameter black wooden disc. Forming a pattern of circles within circles... The...