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  • ...Gabriela Galati holds a BA and MA in History of Art from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, and a PhD from Plymouth University, for which her...
  • Neuro Baby -
    ... the way the viewer addresses it” (Stephen Wilson, Information Arts. Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology, Cambridge/Mass.:...
  • ...David Link is a media artist and researcher. Between 2009 and 2011 he was Chair for Experimental Technologies in the Art Context at the Academy...
  • ...2016 PLUNC 2016 New Media and Digital Art Festival (29. Sept - 2. Oct. 2016) With works by: Artica CC, Thomas Grogan, anaa colectivo, Antonio...
  • ... in the center of the room, eight meters in diameter. Each article of furniture is mounted on ball-bearing casters, so that,...
  • ... for New Orlandia* show, a temporary occupation of a house by artists, in Rio de Janeiro. It inaugurated a new series called...
  • ... "We've discovered the technology of the future", read an article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung not so long ago. "The right...
    ... narration and sensually reflects the familiar presentations of art and its many media. Kunstraum Bernsteiner is entered through a...
  • Imagining Macondo -
    ...Imagining Macondo is a public artwork that commemorates Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garci?a Ma?rquez. It was first showcased at the...
  • ...Nierop, Yvette van. Digital Identification - An Article form 2003 by Yvette van Nierop .