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  • ... situations that do not allow annihilation but allow mutual appreciation, that do not allow combat but allow common experience,...
  • ... and studied computer science and media at the university of applied sciences in Furtwangen with a focus on interaction design. In...
  • ... of new micro-sensing technologies. In 1987 he gained a BSc in Applied Mathematics from UC Davis and in 1994 a PhD in Statistics from...
  • ... could be recorded, thereby reformulating our understanding and appreciation of the aesthetic intensities that this great artist...
    ... dispositif sans contact de type kinekt selon une ergonomie sans apprentissage. Ex : repérage de pas sur le sol ou gestes génériques...
  • ... – the main highlights are now the poetic and existentialist appreciation of nature. The task of art is no longer to offer final...
  • ... Technological Satire of a Genetic Reproduction Laboratory Art Appreciation (2011): 61-63.
  • Kitsun -
    ... suivre un parcours s’il ne le souhaite pas. Bien au contraire on apprécie ses écarts pour infléchir les propositions et faire de la...
  • Metalogue -
    ... its own content - thus the two way conversation can also be apprehended as a metalogue. Looking at the picture: the 'muddle' is...
  • ... studied Photography and Video Art at the Budapest Academy of Applied Arts, followed by the Minerva Academy, Groningen, the...