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  • Deeply rooted in art, music, mathematics and technology, Lin Hsin Hsin has composed and realized digital music without sound card and midi instruments since 1985. She has created the first virtual art museum in the world, 1994, designed the 50th
  • MAP = Media Arts Plaza is the official site which supports creative activities and development of media arts. Starting with an offering for subscriptions, announcement of award-winning works, information about exhibition of award-winning works,
  • A-Volve - video
    In the interactive real-time environment "A-Volve" visitors interact with virtual creatures in the space of a water filled glass pool.These virtual creatures are products of evolutionary rules and influenced by human creation and decision.
  • Artist: Sandra De BerduccyComment:
  • Artist: Leslie DeereComment:
  • Artist: HANNA HAASLAHTIComment:
  • Artist: Jürgen HaglerComment:
  • Dominic Harris (London, 1976) is an artist who uses technology to construct highly personal interpretations of the natural phenomena which surround us. His reverence for nature, coupled with his fascination for code, offers a surreal and whimsical
  • Artist: Shelbatra JashariComment:
  • Artist: Graziele LautenschlaegerComment: