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  • During the transmission from Chicxulub two minutes of silence occurred in which the image and sound were interrupted. Wojtek insisted that this problem was the result of one of the television cameras which had overheated, thus interfering with the
  • Steve Sherrell was born in Muncie, Indiana, USA in 1950. He studied Painting and Drawing at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago getting his BFA and MFA in 1977-78. He was established, showing his paintings in the Chicago art world when in
  • Primitive
    The primitives, whose components include the platonic solids, function as basic modules in every 3D-program. Within computergraphics one can assemble complicated structures from those elementary one-, two- or three-dimensional geometrical shapes.
  • Virtual tunnels are made to go beyond obstacles, to allow people appart to meet in spite of any form of obstacles. Frontiers and borders are artificial obstacles. Images from the Web reflect on what the zones of tension resulting from borders
  • Sacred texts drawn as calligraphy: Some of the most powerful books in history are trying to connect people to something that is beyond the range of ordinary thinking. These same books, when read through ordinary thinking, can be reduced to rules and
  • Waterfall Mansion and Gallery is proud to present an exhibition on women’s empowerment, “The Need For My Care”, inspired by Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman”. In honour of International Woman’s Day, we give laud to the strengths, mystery, beauty,
  • Champs Libres -
    “Champs Libres” is an invitation to a sensory journey in a forest opening onto a clearing bathed in light, in which everyone is encouraged to take a break, to feel, to exchange. For centuries, the landscape has been shaped by human action. In the
  • Also with the VideoFest ‘92, the MedienOperative claimed to reflect the development of international video culture and to represent a rich variety of genres – productions, sculptures, or selections from fields like interactive media and computer
  • Event: SPRING/BREAK Art Show: Stranger Comes To Town, Harvestworks/ThoughtWorks Arts, Armory Week, New YorkInstitution: SPRING/BREAK Art ShowComment:
  • Event: Transfer Download, Spring/Break Art ShowInstitution: Spring/ Break Art ShowComment: