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  • Brot und Spiele -
    English title, 'Bread and Circuses'
  • The Body Remembers -
    Spanning 22 years and three continents, the performance, video and digital media work made by Jill Scott coalesces at points that are both corporeal and mechanistic. The differing themes and effects of each work are supported by a range of interests
  • This high-tech treatment of Shakespeare's masterpiece played June 29 - July 1, 2000 in the Lumley Studio Theatre at the University of Kent at Canterbury. The Y2K production of A Midsummer Night's Dream marks a collaboration between
  • Timeless Universe -
    Timeless Universe 2006 Valencia 17 May - 9 July . Sala Parpallo the leading art gallery of Valencia hosts the largest one man show to date of Paul Friedlander's work including the major new installation, Timeless Universe. Waves of Possibility
  • Delicate Balance -
    Delicate Balance is an interactive robotic work designed to allow a fish to determine the direction that it moves along a wire, so it can explore it's environment beyond the limits of the tank. Bettas have excellent sight giving them the
  • Home Transnfer -
    HOME TRANSFER is a net-art web project that explores the intersection of home, architecture and new technologies. A dwelling made of bread and its parasitic invasion is used to investigate changing notions of place and presence. Host/Guest
  • Mediated Encounters -
    Mediated Encounters is an interactive robotic installation of four fish tanks designed to allow Siamese Fighting fish (Betta Splendons) to determine the movement of two grapevine sculptures. This piece allows normally aggressive fish to interact
  • Bar Code Hotel recycles the ubiquitous symbols found on every consumer product to create an multi-user interface to an unruly virtual environment. The installation makes use of a number of strategies to create a casual, social, multi-person
  • mimesia -
    Mimesia is an interactive painting that draws the viewer into a dream-like flow of unfolding narrative. As if in a dream, the viewer can look around but cannot control what will happen next. The work incorporates paradigms from painting, film and
  • Semantic Map -
    SEMANTIC MAP - A RADAR FOR THE DATA COSMOS (2001/04) The Semantic Map presents individual documents as nodes in a network of themes and practices. By differentiating and becoming co-producers of meaning, viewers can actively engage with content and