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  • Traumliege -
    Video sculpture [English title, Dream bed] INSTANT body, INSTANT coitus, INSTANT dreams The fast-paced...
  • The Unemployed -
    ... / data visualization Processing applet, video camera, computer, data projector, cables and...
    ... and viola real-time manipulation of video) is produced by two laptops running...
  • ... of the series "Field-works," compositing video images and locational data captured by GPS,...
  • Very Nervous System -
    ... Rokeby has created. In these systems, video cameras, image processors, computers,...
  • Figure -
    ... cinematic sequences by means of real-time video trick. The resultat is projected on the...
  • Animal Accessories -
    ... mask. The procedure occurs through a video-image transmission of the surgical space to...
  • ...In the video (plasma screen) and sound installation Night Canoeing, one sees a mysterious image of...
  • Machine Dreams -
    ...The installation "Machine Dreams" uses video to trigger zones of individual sound samples. It is an...
  • ... studio. By displaying a 360-degree global video recording, made on location at the glass...