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  • Mark J. Stock's work is suffused with highly dynamic and detail rich imagery that is often indistinguishable whether it originated in the natural world or in a highly evolved virtual platform. Stock's process is algorithmically based; with his
  • Sauna01-02 - video
    ... water, snow, REM-like flashes, slow...
  • ... which looked like a fetus with a bowed...
  • -
    ... and therefore like any aesthetic object...
  • Point to Point -
    "Point to Point" (Networked installation, website, computer, projector, and video cameras) is a public art work that uses the motion of people in public space to drive an evolving graphic display. The display is projected onto a wall in the space
  • Digital video installation The project was initiated with prof.Jean-Louis Boissier and Daniel Pinkas and produced with Haute Ecole d'arts appliques de Geneva, and was shown at the Centre pour L'image Contemporarie, Saint Gervais Geneva.
  • World Stage uses digital representations of global species of butterflies to animate the powerful iconography of worldwide flags. In a time when national, political and social identity has been brought to the forefront of our minds, we are ever more
  • Sprache Sehen -
    Computer-controlled interactive light installation Polytechnic school Bregenz (AT), extension Baumschlager/Eberle, competition, realization 1996–8 [English title, 'Seeing Language'] In each of the three staircases of the new building of the HTL
  • Roberto Lopez-Gulliver is a Mexican Media artist and researcher. Received his BSc degree in Mathematics form the Autonomous University of Guadalajara with honors for his thesis work titled: "Bounded Variation Functions: Differenciation and
  • This year, EMAF took a look beneath the "surface" and shed light on the handling of media from a variety of perspectives. No- und low-budget productions from the independent scene met films and videos produced with commercial cinema and