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  • The elegant 19th-century interior of the Rideau Chapel is once again transformed through Janet Cardiff’s extraordinary audio installation Forty-Part Motet, a contemporary reworking of Spem in Alium by the 16th-century composer Thomas Tallis.
  • ... Correctness Leonardo Electronic Almanac / Leonardo Art Gallery 29, no. 1 (1996).
  • Curator: Christiane Paul Works by: Rebecca Allen David Rokeby Christa Sommerer+Laurent Mignonneau Maciej Wisniewski eVolution approaches the realm of artificial life from the perspective of art and takes a look at the different ways in wich artists
  • ...Medved, Andrej. Il traverso della luce (catalogue) Loža Gallery, Koper (2004).
  • ...Beesley, Philip. SKIN DEEP: LIMINAL STATES. Chatham: The Thames Art Gallery, Chatham Cultural Centre, 2002.
  • enSight 2006 -
    32 scientists from institutes around the world submitted images from their current work. You can see these images here. 11 British and American artists took up the challenge to dialogue with one of the scientists. The resulting work was exhibited in
  • ... if long enough, like in the Just Dig/It exhibition at Osage Gallery Hong Kong. They can also be placed in two different countries...
  • Molecular Invasion -
    ... School of Art and Design and exhibited at the Corcoran Gallery, Washington, DC. In this work, CAE/da Costa/Pentecost and...
  • Gallery view from outside. The artist's first robotic brush strokes were achieved in 1987. The strokes achieve spontaneous qualities using...
  • ...Bašin, Miloš. Uršula Berlot: Introspekcija/Introspection Bežigrajska Gallery 2, 1st. – 29th of September 2010. Ljubljana: Museum and Galleries...