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  • George Gessert was born in 1944. Initially he was a painter and printmaker. From 1985 to the present his work has focused on the overlap between art and genetics. His exhibits often involve plants that he has hybridized, or documentation of breeding
  • Oliveira, Nicolas de and Nicola Oxley and Michael et. al. Petry. Installation Art. London, UK: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2003.
  • Construct/S -
    Smithsonian Institution Affiliate
  • Futures -
    Event: FuturesInstitution: The Smithsonian InstitutionComment:
  • Smolińska, Marta. The Narcissus Effect [].
  • Smolińska, Marta. The Narcissus Effect. Metanarcissism in Video (Installation) Art. Project Narcissus th ed.Kraków: Bednarczyk, Andrzej, 2017.
  • Peraica, Ana, ed. Smuggling Anthologies Reader. Rijeka: MMSU, 2015.
  • Boredomresearch. Snail Mail Gets Literal Time Magazine 172, no. 5 (August 2008).
  • Boredomresearch. The Wired Campus: Real Snail Mail The Chronicle of Higher Education (June 2008).