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  • This work created a collage of fictional events within a museum space by making projected images of the events appear contiguous with the real space and actual situations. The work was constituted by two structural elements: a large projection
  • TANGENT_FEAR presents the artistic research project Inviting Horror by Karen Lancel and Hermen Maat in which the experience of fear in public space is investigated. In a world in which daily activity is monitored through electronic technologies
  • Neal White works across media, and in no particular medium at all – creating projects with the Office of Experiments that develop collaborative, social and critical spaces using art methods and art materials. His work operates along the fine line
  • Plain Plane Playing -
    Video tape Images of Baroque interiors are interlaced by a computer generated scrolling key pattern that was interactively modulated by the sound of water drops during the recording Kinetic video sculpture The video is projected onto a
  • As the work “Unformed Symbols” (2006), the work “Unformed Symbols: Another Side” (2008) recreates a card game, but this time as if it were seen from the reverse side, with only the plain backs of cards visible. Real cards and projected images of
  • Plain Text -
    The Plain Text series plays on the “infinite monkey theorem”. It states that given an infinite amount of monkeys, typewriters, and time, the monkeys will type out any particularly text you choose. If one instructs the monkeys (or monkey simulators),
  • PICO -
    We are working to create a new type of human-computer interface, called PICO, by combining some of the usability advantages of mechanical systems with the abstract computational power of modern computers. Long before modern electronic computers were
  • George Gessert was born in 1944. Initially he was a painter and printmaker. From 1985 to the present his work has focused on the overlap between art and genetics. His exhibits often involve plants that he has hybridized, or documentation of breeding
  • There are two structural iterations of this anamorphic sculpture, which present the form of a typical architect’s adjustable drawing table. One is situated in a park and has four independent wooden elements, which only from one particular point of
  • Plain Plane Playing -
    Event: Plain Plane PlayingInstitution: Rene Coelho GalleryComment: