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  • ... For his first solo show, Maurice Benayoun was... by the public played an important role in...
  • ... an online showcase for new media art and... and design. She also played a leading role in OCAD...
  • ... eye as a symbol for how our society relates to... The eye has always played a vital role in human...
  • Move 36
    ... between the best player that ever lived and...
  • Changes of State -
    ... the semi-official show of "rewiring", caused both... off, overhead tape player comes on. 2. Window...
  • Gaude Mihi -
    ... of the Toy and the Player. The functioning of...
  • ... the same scenes are played but with different...
  • "Stair Procession" -
    ... of the staircase played a role in the artist's...
  • etoy -
    ... controversial global player online since 1994. The...
  • ... explained the role played by Media Art in each...