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  • ... the collective loud of the crowd carried throughout the newly appointed Walter Cronkite courtyard and struck the appropriate...
  • ... the identity and meaning of “Eve Clone”. The acrylic plate is applied as a media. The hand drawing of numbers and lines are shown on the...
  • ... arts from the University of Bern and the University of Applied Sciences Bern, Switzerland in 2017. He received his BA in...
  • ... and Communications from Simon Fraser University. She is an appointee of the Order of Ontario and the Royal Canadian Society of...
  • I like Frank -
    ... Like Frank in Adelaide was produced during Blast Theory's appointment as Adelaide Thinkers in Residence for 12 weeks; an annual...
  • Epidémie -
    ... et, grâce à un écran tactile et un dispositif de contact, ils apportent en milieu « hautement sécurisé » les informations critiques sur...
  • ...Couffignal, Louis. Que peut apporter la cybernetique a la pedagogie Cybernetica (International Association for Cybernetics) No. 1 (1964).
  • ... of volume. Works that provide programming language a textual appraisal, creations that resort to videographic procedures in...
  • ... in collaboration with Supercluster, hosted by the Centre for Applied Water Science at University of Canberra. She is listed as an...
  • ... media. Broadwell holds undergrad and graduate degrees in applied mathematics from university of California Santa Cruz. With...