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  • Paolo Cirio called attention with his controversial work "Hacking Monopolism Trilogy": "Face to Facebook" (co-author: Alessandro Ludovico), "Amazon Noir" (co-authors: Alessandro Ludovico, Ubermorgen) and "Google Will Eat Itself" (co-authors:...
  • Jonathan Harris studied computer science at Princeton University before winning a 2004 Fabrica fellowship in Italy. He creates online projects that re-imagine how humans relate to technology and to each other. These combine elements of computer...
  • Mirko Lazović graduated at the University of Arts in Belgrade and Royal Academy in The Hague, got his MA from the Royal Conservatory in the Hague (2008). His installations place strong thematic emphasis on presence, interactivity, and compositional...
  • Néstor Lizalde, 1979 Zaragoza (Spain).His work explores the possibilities raised in the art world through the so-called new media. With an academic background: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Master in Visual Arts and Multimedia, Advanced Design and...
  • Ascott, Roy. The Cybernetic Stance: My process and Purpose. In Visual Art, Mathematics and Computers, edited by Roger F. Malina, 135-142. London: Pergamon Press, 1979.
  • Weibel, Peter. Die Medienkunst und der veränderte Werkbegriff In Zur Definition eines neuen Kunstbegriffs, edited by Galerie Krinzinger, 21ff. : 1979.
  • Siggraph 1979 -
    Event: Siggraph 1979Institution: ACM SiggraphComment:
  • Event: Eletrourbs, EletrogravurasInstitution: Espaço NOComment:
  • Ars Electronica 1979 -
    Event: Ars Electronica 1979Institution: Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KGComment:
  • Bubble Wall -
    Event: Bubble WallInstitution: Swimmingpool de HoogebergComment: