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  • ... to animate the powerful iconography of worldwide flags. In a time when national, political and social identity has been brought to...
  • Sprache Sehen -
    ... students can rewrite the text of one of the light sticks. Over time these "electronic graffitis" change the original text.
  • ... Interactive 3D displays for multi-user interactions, real-time 3D computer graphics and Human-Computer Interaction design.
  • ... following the democratic process. This year was the first time that the festival team prioritised contextual and aesthetic...
  • ... • The public enter through a gently curved corridor allowing time for their eyes to adjust to the low light level and obscuring the...
  • ... 2004, contributions to the film programme competed for the first time for the €5000 "EMAF Award" for a pioneering work of Media Art.
  • LAB 1: ART+COM -
    ... of charge. They wrote their first research proposals. At that time, remarkable scenarios were conceived as part of the long-term...
  • ... a rare work by Ulrike Rosenbach with her partner at the time, Klaus vom Bruch, »the boxing match« from 1972 that Joseph Beuys...
  • sentient (being) -
    ... self. Physiological data is recorded over periods of time, and its evaluation and interpretation is carried out with the...
  • Fascinum -
    ... from 1 to 10) on different national Yahoo websites, in real time. The viewer surfs on the infotainment tsunami and experiences the...