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  • Event: Neue Slowenische FilmInstitution: Dom Kulture Studentski GradComment:
  • Event: Die Magie der Kunst – Protagonisten der slowenischen Gegenwartskunst 1968 – 2013Institution: Obergeschoss des KünstlerhausesComment:
  • Brucker-Cohen, Jonah. Real Snail Mail Turns Email into Slower Email .
  • Mimetic Starfish -
    ... January 1st - December 31st 2000. “Best bit of the entire Dome”, Times, January 2000. ...
  • A tomb made of cardboard packing boxes. Inside, a primate-lab cage and a mechanism. That moves a computer controlled monkey's paw and a light source that slowly draw the face of Jim Pomeroy (1946-1992) in phosphorescent pigment.
  • "Every poem in the book Aromapoetry employs nanotechnology by binding an extremely thin layer of porous glass (200 nanometers thick) to every page, trapping the odorants (i.e. the volatile molecules) and releasing them very slowly. Without this
  • Small Planet -
    Small PlanetArtist: Myron KruegerComment:
  • Transporter -
    2 conveyor belts of about 13m long are set up next to each other and running in opposite directions. People can lay down on them to be transported very slowly. Hidden under the surface an invisible mechanism produces a subtle yet intense tactile
  • Breda Kolar Sluga and Peng Feng. The Earth is Flat – Zemlja je ploščata / Flat and Distant – Ploščato in oddaljeno UGM, Maribor, 3. 6. – 14. 8. 2016, Today Art Museum, Beijing, 10. 9. – 9. 10. 2016. Maribor: Umetnostna galerija (2016).
  • Syncronicity 2008 This work developed out of my research fellowship at goldsmiths college.This is a live visualisation of a hand drawn city. Dozens of hand drawings are being walk on by small robots. The real space made as a visualisation. A