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  • ... life and they way we relate to the world around us, which is particularly interesting if one works within the realms of Virtual Reality (VR), where projections of three dimensional images and forms can fool the brain into experiencing other...
  • ...Mattei, Maria Grazia. Fino All´Ultimo Respiro Virtual 32 (June 1996): 36-37.
  • ...DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. Ambientes Interativos e Imersivos Database Of Virtual Art (2004).
  • ...Three networked skyboards equip visitors to surf freely throughout a shared virtual space. Each fiberglass skyboard is a custom full-body input device, with force-sensing resistors driving the flight simulation for the occupant's on-screen avatar. A large...
  • ... has a team of seven and is based in London. The group's work explores interactivity and the relationship between real and virtual space with a particular focus on the social and political aspects of technology. It confronts a media saturated world in...
  • ...Brill, Louis M.. Looking Glass Playgrounds Hit the Entertainment Bullseye Virtual Reality World (Nov. - Dec. 1993): 41-48.
  • ...Series of 3D prints in polymer additive plaster, highlighting the interrelation between real objects and their 3D virtual counterparts. The 3D print "Inevitable Beauty" is subjected to a temporal maelstrom in its fabrication, while "Compulsive Commodity" embodies an...
  • ...The "US Department of Art & Technology" is an artist-led, virtual government agency. The US DAT functions as a conduit between the arts and the broader political and economic culture for facilitating the artist' need to extend aesthetic inquiry into the social...
  • ... as real space fuses with telematic space. In the telematic society material embodiment is further supplemented and extended by virtual representation: the so-called “tele-polis”. Telematic space endows the urban environment with a new form of structure,...
  • Garden Of Changes -
    ... enigmatic answer to the query at the main pavilion. Different to speedy gamification and the pace of jump-and-run games, the Virtual Reality application invites to ponder, reflect and appreciate the green reconstruction of the vanished trees.