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  • freequent traveller -
    Freequent traveller is an interactive installation by the Berlin based artist Susanne Schuricht. The interface consists of a hammock, whose movement is tracked by a custom-made hardware interface. The incoming data are then interpreted by a special
  • Territorism - video
    Dynamic video projection Project for the facade of Kunsthaus Bregenz (AT) Assistance: Patricia Köstring Sound: Nico Kirisits Post-production: Peter Koger, Manuel Maxl Recording and projection: Mäser digital media/Daniel Flatz Performer
  • 10. Netart from Canada I-Highway - netart from Canada is a showcase of netart which can be accessed directly here selected artists their name are linked with the artists biographies Michael Alstad saibot & ssiess Isabel Hayeur Babel
  • f_(noir) Solo CD Eilean Records - 2015 Shadow Detail 06:36 Ending (part 1) 06:34 Another Day 06:11 Ending (part 2) 05:28 A History of Silence 03:33 A Dark Thought 04:45 Ending (part 3) 05:22 Having Fallen 05:03 The Undoing Of Time 05:58 Endgame
  • Eduardo Kac is internationally recognized for his telepresence and bio art. A pioneer of telecommunications art in the pre-Web '80s, Eduardo Kac (pronounced "Katz") emerged in the early '90s with his radical works combining telerobotics and living
  • Light Folds Craig Tattersall and Bill Seaman The Seaman and the Tattered Sail Available as a digital Release: The audio process Light Folds by The Seaman and The Tattered Sail is a collaboration
  • Kera Denisa. On Prototypes: Should We Eat Mao’s Pear, Sail Saint-Exupéry’s Boat, Drink with Heidegger’s Pitcher, or Use Nietzsche’s Hammer to Respond to the Crisis? In Pedagogies of Disaster, edited by Adam Staley Groves Vincent W.J. van Gerven
  • .. "So instead of writing about meaning production, I empower the exploration of meta-meaning processes that arise via self-directed engagement" ..
  • ADA Artist Interview 10/2020BILL SEAMAN – transdisciplinary explorations of meaning production and the process ofcreativityWhat are your current projects?I tend to work on many different things simultaneously, shifting from one to the other.
  • 'Divination: A Romantic Mutiny in a Maelstrom of Data' by Nancy Mauro-Flude. Produced by Contemporary Art Tasmania. The maiden voyage performance of Pyrate Queen and her crew, set sail for the duration of Dark Mofo 10–19 June 2016. Toured in 2017