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  • ... clippings and bits of text. This material formed a fragmented archive of the recent...
  • ELO 2022-E2Lit -
    ... Through typography, color, image and format, the book affirms irreducibility to linear...
  • ... Parkway, created a unique dynamic light formation in the sky. The lights reacted in...
  • Tower
    ... to the corpus. The initial corpus can be formed from any source. For its premiere...
  • Gogoame -
    ... among the rain, words and phrases are formed. By contemplating the text rain, the...
  • Al GRANO: Corn Regime -
    ... unevenly shaped opinions and meanings are formed in engagement with wider economic and...
  • Activism -
    ... on a light/shadow sculptural environment formed by letters/words that live in an utopian... persons that read them and further contemplate afterwards. With transformational...
  • ... going to Museums, reading books, etc. My formation begins when I was 12 years old, in a...
  • ... of this project I assisted in the re-formation of the UK-based, Computer Arts Society,...
  • ...Vacuum formed plexi-glass, light projection Series (6): Tooth, Eyelash, Skin, Hair, Tooth v.2, Nail...