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  • Bec’s artistic work revolved around the interlocking of art and science. He became known through his efforts related to extending biological evolution and simulating new life forms, emphasizing in particular how these ‹could› bring forth evolution.
  • Escracho is an artist's book conceived, designed, and produced by Eduardo Kac in 1983 in Rio de Janeiro. It includes contributions from artists and writers from several countries in a variety of forms (visual poetry, essay, cartoon, collage, graphic
  • Typewritings -
    TypewritingsArtist: Eduardo KacComment:
  • Life Spacies - video
    ... interaction and exchange. A "Life Spacies" web...
  • Bureaud, Annick. Typologie des interfaces artistiques In Esthétique des Arts Médiatiques. Interfaces et sensorialité, edited by Louise Poissant, 175. Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2003.
  • Basanta, Adam and Arne Eigenfeldt. Perceptual Analysis of Gesture Interaction Typologies in Acousmatic Music In Seventh Electroacoustic Music Studies Network Conference, Shanghai: EMS 10, 2010.
  • Tzafestas, Elpida and Yiannis Melanitis. Stelarc: The Obsolete Body (Interview with Yiannis Melanitis, in Greek) Futura magazine 7 (March 2001).
  • tztzt
    htztz. tztzt. tztzt: tztzt, 2013.