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  • Mirrors of the Unseen -
    ... Therefore, the observer can situate herself/himself as an... ceilings like a drawing, seemingly transcending the...
  • ... art practice towords a seemingly "living" and autonomous...
  • ... newspaper on the beach, seemingly oblivious to the... for example, reads a newspaper on the beach,...
  • ... interactive works can be re-animated (emulated) and... on the internet. A seemingly void, monochrome white...
  • Water Lily Invasion -
    ... innocuous water lily can enlarge to engulf viewers who... mediated human gaze, a seemingly small, innocuous water...
  • ... layered context where physical presence and media... what each person sees through it. Two video...
  • gameboy_ultraf_uk -
    ... and binary data. Scanline bytes are miscopied,... the inside of the game seeps to the outside. Variations...
  • ... attempt to foil Google's seemingly unstoppable business...
  • [in time time] -
    ... her ghosts, who react uncannily via a number of gestures... image, an avatar seemingly conscious of others. A...
  • Intro Act - video
    ... of organic forms, whereas other gestures will lead... The visitor continuously sees himself inside this three...