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  • Arns, Inke and Jacob Lillemose. Es arte contemporáneo, imbecil - Comisarios de arte digital para sacarlos del gueto, a minima new media, actual art 13 (2005): 164-175.
  • Comission: Beleza Convulsiva Tropical (Convulsive Tropical Beauty). Curator: Ana Pato
  • BIOS 4 -
    DEFINITIONS AND TOOLS Artbiotics - beyond the contemporary: art, biology and environment in the 21st century. Artbiotics is an open interactive and semantic plataform dedicated to biotech and enviromental art. Artbiotics is a work in progress.
  • Featured this month: ARS MEMORIA: ART, IDENTITY AND LOCATIONAL MEMORY Curated by Dr Shaun Wilson This exhibition presents artwork that incorporates issues of identity by using the image as a mode of articulating, and from this coming to terms
  • Another Time, Another Space (1993) is an interactive installation devised for Antwerp Central Station, Belgium. The installation used 15 video cameras to capture live images of visitors to the station; 30 computers manipulated the video feeds output
  • Dragon - video
    An air-inflated dragon was comissioned for William Klein's film Mr. Freedom. This creature was recycled in a number of urban events where people simply carried it through the streets.
  • CIHA Beijing -
    Event: CIHA BeijingInstitution: Comité International d'Histoire de l'Art (CIHA)Comment:
  • Sakane, Itsuo. Introduction to Interactive Art In Wonderland of Science-Art (Comittee for Kanawaga International Art and Science Exhibition), , 3. Kanagawa, Japan: 1989.
  • Haptic Opposition -
    Haptic Opposition is centered around a mechanically movable text display driven both by human beings and machine control. Different modes of force feedback interaction are embedded, as machine on its own, following the human movements, or opposing
  • .. "Ideally by using these technologies, art should see through them and unveil this imperative role in our society. When it is aesthetically pleasing, the truth doesn’t hurt so much" ..