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  • Event: THE THIRD EYE, PERFORMANCES, PEOPLE AND PLACESInstitution: Art in GeneralComment:
  • Decision Value -
    There are several places at which the density of crucial decisions is rather high. In Paris, I observed the emblematic buildings of the stock exchange (Bourse), the parliament (Assemblée Nationale), the high court (Palais de Justice), an airport
  • Performers tele-dialogue from two distinct places with a single spectator at a time, whose shadows become the theater of the work. Each performance is unique and constitutes a singular experience for the visitor, who is no longer only a passive
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G and Eliseo REATEGUI and Gelson Cardoso REINALDO and Alexandre LORENZATTI. Mixed Realities in the Living Tattoos Social Platform Urban Mixed Realities: Technologies, Theories and Frontiers, Presence, place, collaboration,
  • Twenty years ago, Mary Louise Pratt proposed the notion of a “contact zone” as a place where culture is negotiated and challenged. Art can bridge or destabilize disciplines and methods in ways that reframe histories and bring new insights. Still, on
  • Photosynthetic Me is a bioart, interactive and Immersive installation that emerges from a process-based experiment around the topic of becoming plant-like. In the project, a biotechnologist activates a photosynthetic system in a situation of altered
  • Performers tele-dialogue from two distinct places with a single spectator at a time, whose shadows become the theater of the work. Each performance is unique and constitutes a singular experience for the visitor, who is no longer only a passive
  • Imaginary Workspaces is a series inspired by dystopian science fiction narratives as written by Stanislaw Lem and Philip K. Dick that imagine fictional industrial workspaces. This collection of invented images oscillate between retro futuristic
  • ELO 2022-E2Lit -
    The work combines various mediums and literary genres (the cookbook’s taxonomy and authoritative style, scientific papers, children’s rhymes…) to reshape its own and presents the reader with complex assemblages on entangled phenomena related to