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  • During the initial years of the development of my work, especially in series such as Parallel, Monochromatic, Conscious/ Unconscious and Technical Recreation I emphasized questions and scenarios based on memory, the relation between conscious and
  • The Machinista festival celebrates artificial intelligence in the arts, presenting an international selection of works where the machine plays an essential role in the creative process.
  • The Messive -
    Tapestry weaving on a base of binary code, gives an essential knowledge about our solar system, DNA, first 7 days of creation of Bible as a message for our descendants.
  • The 2018 ACM SIGGRAPH Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art is awarded to Monika Fleischmann, a research artist that has contributed to the field of interactive media art since the 1980s to the present day. She has
  • Dinosaurus -
    This KU Theatre for Young people production is another step in the University Theatre's ongoing work with virtual reality technology. Director Patrick Carriere, Bemidji, MN, graduate student, and Mark Reaney professor of theatre & Film teamed
  • Sonicity -
    Sonicity by Stanza Sonicity is a responsive installation, a sonification of the data space. The sounds you hear are the sound of the changing environment, ie the changes of noise, light, temperature of the space is turned into a real time sound
  • Drawing Machine 3.1415926 v. 2 explores the notion of generative art or art that makes art on its own. The piece consists of a three tiered mobile sculpture that is driven by the vibration of a motor. This vibration is controlled in two ways. First
  • As far as the creases -
    Here, a human organ constitutes the landscape: a brain is covered in a fine film of aquatic algae. The alga deposits itself by taking its time and continues to grow at its own rhythm. I provide regular modest help: I change the water twice a
  • It's hard to see a photograph physically fading, erasing itself with the bombardment of light but hold no doubts it is subtly becoming elusive like all we hold dear. I often find myself contemplating the fragility of the moment, and I believe this
    ECHOHCE is a project for a singer and a machine generating text. The singer speaks the title of a song to be generated into a microphone. A speech recognition software translates the words into text and sends it to the Poetry Machine. The software