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  • Robert Lazzarini is an American artist who lives and works in New York. Primarily a sculptor, Robert is best known for making common objects that have been subjected to compound distortions which have the effect of confusing visual and haptic
  • Quiasma -
    A relational narrative map of the space allows us to model a space of data that is there as a network in the subsoil to be visually exposed by whoever interacts with the DVD. An open model for ideas, for the crossings of information, for the
  • Infinity of Sound-Light Scope Away invites the audiences to record a piece of the singing of their signature song with mobile phones and transmits the recorded voice to the mirror space to create fascinating new songs. When audiences enter the room
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ConFIGURING the CAVE is a computer based interactive video installation that assumes a set of technical and pictorial procedures to identify various paradigmatic conjunctions of body and space. The work utilises the CAVE technology stereographic
  • This interactive installation integrates virtual reality, robotics and telepresence with a high aesthetical content as well as an suggestive and enigmatic interaction. The Real ambience represented by a physical structure under the form of an Arena.
  • Landscape One -
    Four walls of a space are "painted", with video projectors, into a single photo realistic 360º landscape representing a public garden. The space, set in Montreal's Mont-Royal Parc, is being visited by real and virtual characters. If the
  • Based in Montreal, Bill Vorn is active in the field of Robotic Art since 1992. His installation and performance projects involve robotics and motion control, sound, lighting, video and cybernetic processes. He pursues research and creation on
  • Swarming Lounge 2.0 is a mixed-reality performance and installation where visitors come to meet four live performers and nine augmented-reality characters displayed on smartphones. All characters, both real and virtual, are embedded in the
  • wordotcomnodot -
    é um ensaio sobre a condição da palavra no contexto digital. Apresenta uma antologia da literatura criada para a Internet, um guia comentado de sites sobre a criação e o desenvolvimento de conteúdos com hipertexto, e um fórum aberto ao público sobre
  • NASA. We are Stardust