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  • ... in robotics, as in Joan l’home de carn (1992); telematic control on the part of a...
  • ... Fellow, STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Carnegie Mellon University.He has a BA in...
  • ...Vincenzo de Bellis and Caroline Dumalin, ed. MARIO GARCÍA TORRES: ILLUSION BROUGHT ME HERE. Minnesota:...
  • Electronic Vibes -
    ...2016 Electronic Vibes Exhibition Curator: Caroline Ha Thuc Art Project Officer: Stephanie Hsieh Ming...
  • ... home: the family members, furniture and carpet from the living room, Christmas decorations,...
  • ... and the Interaction Design Studio at Carnegie Mellon University, and has several years...
  • ... the Kaiserring Prize (2003), the Carnegie Prize, the Carnegie International (2000),...
  • ... of the Studio for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. His work...
  • ANGELS - video
    ... the hearts of Angels in a colorful carousel, you are allowed to experience intense...
  • ... (articulate, 2018) (Carpe Diem, 2011)