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  • ...Scholar/artist. Topics: Theories of the digital, conceptual writing, electronic literature
  • ...Artist/academic. She studied an MsC in information technology applied to arts at Chalmers University of Technology and a PhD in Digital arts and experimental media at University of Washington. She has published articles in journals such as Artnodes, Arte y Políticas de...
  • ...I am a multimedia artist, using smart textiles in a digital format, using photography, film and 3D mapping. I am currently a PhD researcher at Birmingham School of Art, funded by AHRC/M3C.
  • ...“10 Years Running,” curated digital art exhibition, Chelsea Art Museum, NY, NY, 2007
  • ...kondition pluriel is an interdisciplinary digital performance group founded by choreographer Marie-Claude Poulin and media artist Martin Kusch in 2000. Integrating body-based performance and digital arts, the artists generate a language outside of established...
  • ... Waag Society's Open Wetlab WASP self-initiated WORKSHOP AT THE WAAG SOCIETY AMSTERDAM Interactions between Biological and Digital computing, in the forms of Slime Mold and 3D printed architectures. How do biological entities and digital algorithms relate...
  • ...Everardo REYES is an academic who works in the fields of information design, media art, hypermedia, and digital culture.
  • ...with Medienfluss, Digital Sparks Matrix with PointScreen, Semantic Map'', ZKM | . October 21, 2007 – April 30, 2009.
  • Everyone Forever -
    ...oria & Albert Museum commissioned us to create the Madejski Garden Winter Light Installation for 2008-9, to mark the start of their new digital programme of exhibitions. Besides being an engaging artwork, it had to be weatherproof, and have a presence beyond the...