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  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Extended Performance – Virtuelle Bühne, Selbstrepräsentanz und Interaktion. Extended Performance – Virtuelle Bühne, Selbstrepräsentanz und Interaktion. Kaleidoskopien, Theatralität, Performance, Medialität.
  • FIELDS 2.1
    Fields 2.1 is an attempt to create an illusion of consciousness in non-living matter. A moving eye is a property that allows the viewer to perceive the “inanimate” as the “conscious”. Using magnetic fields and ferrofluid technologies the artists
  • The Able Skin -
    "The Able Skin" is a media structure designed by architect Emilio López-Galiacho to hide any emblematic building that is not allowed to have a natural death, that is kept alive artificially through restoration, citation and simulation. A virtual
  • Architext - video
    Large LED alphanumeric units are mounted in a 13 x 9 grid on the stage tower of this theater. Like a conventional news sign textual information is scrolled through these elements, but because the alphanumeric units are spaced far apart, the
  • sandbox -
    driessens & verstappen sandbox, 2009 Wood, lacquer, metal, fans, sand, electronics, 245 x 122 x 176 cm Supported by: Mondriaan Foundation, Ámsterdam Acknowledgements: The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Architecture and Design,
  • Relational Architecture 2 "Displaced Emperors" was the second relational architecture project of Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. This installation used an "architact" interface to transform the Habsburg Castle in Linz, Austria. Wireless 3D sensors
  • The Trill-machine -
    A machine that sets an entire building in motion through vibrations. Use of this device will consequently result in the ultimate destruction of the building. (source:
  • Dreamgenerator -
    Dreamgenerator 4 ( detection, transformation, 3D generating ) reacts and transform according to events (sound, motion , light) within the building at Lärarhögskolan in Stockholm. The result is a real-time generated 3D world/model that transforms
  • CADcast -
    CADcast is a system for projecting instructions into 3-D workspaces. It supports users in constructing three dimensional structures with greater efficiency and more accuracy. The system also supports improved coordination between the design and
  • Strata -
    The Strata project explores the design of layered, electronically-augmented physical models that serve as tangible interfaces to specific dataspaces. Strata's first application is an interface that embodies the physical structure of the Media