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  • Schmutziges Licht ( LICHTPHON ART-AVANT X ) Sound/Video Work Schahram Poursoudmand (Music & Sound Artist, Composer, Visual Imagist, Poet) & Yoann Trellu (Video & Visual Artist) An abstract, poetic visual-sound-drama The visual, tonal union and view
  • Urban Hero -
    Urban Hero, Part 1 Routines and conveniences of our daily life have become gradually fatal for the environment, thus representing a growing problem for functioning ecosystems of flora and fauna, but also directly for our health. The ubiquity of
  • Cracks to Oases -
    The book describes my personal observations during the workshop Ingrutatti Palermo as part of ‹Manifesta 12› in July 2018. In the course of these 10 days, I was part of a group of artists and architects from around the world. Sara Kamalvand’s
  • On 9 January 2024 we celebrate 20 years of UpStage! UpStage has playfully persisted for two decades of cyberformance adventures. Since its launch on 9 January 2004, UpStage has provided an accessible, artist-led online venue for collaboration,
  • Goldin+Senneby (since 2004) is a framework for collaboration set up by artists Simon Goldin and Jakob Senneby; exploring juridical, financial and spatial constructs through notions of the performative and the virtual. Their collaboration started
  • A time-based work on decay and energy presented in 6 museum vitrines arranged in a triangle, containing 3 alchemical flasks of acid, alakaline and base each with 3 rods of copper, iron and aluminium connected to 3 old IBM Dos computers, their
  • Limitless2023 -
    This interactive real-time artwork comments on the volatility of the stock market and the ephemeral nature of wealth, through an exploration of the intersection of technology, finance and mythology. Harris employs live market data, organising
  • Objects / In A Network Of Tangled-Up / Porous Graduation-System / Every Fragment / Lighted Up +- 5 Grade-Centigrade / Lights Options / Space Sterilized / In Ethylene Oxide Chambers/ Immediate
  • Bio-Présence -
    The Biopresence project began with the destiny of Biscarosse's elm trees, which is indeed the story of all the elms of France, which the so- called "elm disease" has practically wiped from the French countryside. This obliteration has diminished an
  • Season in Hell -
    After four turbulent years serving the President, Secretary-at-Large Randall M. Packer of the US Department of Art & Technology took back the Department and made it his own. With the spectre of Orf as his guide (who bears witness to deteriorating