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  • ...Pearlman,Ellen. Lau, Newman. Lozowski, Kenny. Telematic Touch and Go. Vol.18. 3 th ed. Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA), 2012.
  • ...VICE. 05.06.2014.
  • ...The media art installation Multiverse by Paul Thomas and Kevin Raxworthy is based on research developed from Richard Feynman’s 1979 video lectures where his presentation of diagrams on the blackboard visualises the probability of photons reflecting from the surface of...
  • Dust -
    ...2012 LABORATORIA Moskow, Art & Science Space( 29th.March.2012 until 1th5 July 7.2012) Exhibition: "DUST," Curators: Daria Parkhomenko, Simon Mraz Artists: Herwig Weiser, Erwin Wurm, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Dietmar Offenhuber, Markus Decker, Orkan...
  • ...Event: The Article Biennale 2008Institution: i/o/lab Centre for Future ArtComment:
  • ...The November 1973 issue of Scientific American featured an article titled “The Recognition of Faces” by Bell Labs researcher Leon Harmon that explained how we perceive pixelated digital photographic images. Using a low-resolution, portrait of Lincoln to describe the...
  • ...Pfizer, Gary. State of the Arts Article includes Acevedo's v02 Computer Graphics World (March 1993).
  • ...Klinke, Harald and Lisa Surkemper. Interview: George Legrady
  • ...Lila Moore is a pioneering artist, filmmaker, screen choreographer, networked performance and mixed reality creator. She holds a practice-based PhD in Dance on Screen from Middlesex University (2001, UK) in the context of modern and contemporary art, experimental film,...
  • ...Müller Arisona, Stefan. Interview: George Legrady, chair of the Media Arts and Technology program.