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  • Supertube -
    A high volume of air was blown from below into a long open-ended polythene tube caused it to flap around wildly in the sky. Smoke and confetti could be added to the air stream.
  • Potential Spaces Wie können Kunst & Design im 21. Jahrhundert erforscht und gelernt werden? Do, 16.02.2017 – Sa, 18.02.2017, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe (HfG); Großes Studio, ZKM_Kubus Beschreibung Die Konferenz »Potential
  • Ray, Tom. An Evolutionary Approach to Synthetic Biology: Zen in the Art of Creating Life In Advances in Evolutionary Computing, edited by Ashish Ghosh and Tsutsui Shigeyoshi, 479-517. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, 2003.
  • Grassroll -
    An air-inflated tube covered with synthetic grass was placed on a grass field behind the Stendlijk Museum in Amsterdam where passers by could play with it and in whatever way they wished.
  • Shaw, Jeffrey. Tube over the Maschsee Studio International 180, no. 928 (December 1970): 253.
  • Waterquake
    In Waterquake long lengths of tubing were dropped into a canal and then slowly inflated with air and smoke. The tubing emerged from the water, filling the canal and then spilling over into the surrounding streets. The spectators pulled and knotted
  • Event: DIGITAL MONSTERS DON'T BLEEDSolo showSpatial object, 1700 x 500, paper tubes, sound, video, 2 gold plated sculptures (15 x 50).Institution: Kunstraum BernsteinerComment:
  • Sandquake -
    Long lengths of polythene tubing were buried in the sand at a beach in the Camargue in France. This tubing was then slowly inflated so that it gradually rose up and erupted out of the sand.
  • Inflatable tubing burst through a wall of brick-printed plastic that covered the shop window. This tubing was then taken into the street and used to signal the boundaries of controversial urban renewal planning in this area.
  • In the Open -
    Exhibition of collaborative artworks around place, landscape and environment, curated by Judith Tucker,to accompany the ASLE-UKi LAND2 CMIT conference (6 to 28 September 2017)