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    Rhetorics of Surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother In 1785, the British philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), founder of the doctrine of Utilitarianism, began working on a plan for a model prison called the panopticon. The signature feature of
  • FIELDS 2.1
    Fields 2.1 is an attempt to create an illusion of consciousness in non-living matter. A moving eye is a property that allows the viewer to perceive the “inanimate” as the “conscious”. Using magnetic fields and ferrofluid technologies the artists
  • Casares, Nilo. La restauración del significado. Arte, otra vez. Vol.1. 1ª th ed.Valencia, Spain: Institució Alfons el Magnánim, 2004.
  • Andres Burbano. Inventions at the Borders of History Re-significance of Media Tech (2009).
  • Event: OBJETS PERDUS. Things of Greater SignificanceInstitution: Tiroler Landesmuseum FerdinandeumComment:
  • "transmediale is the biggest and most significant festival for art and the creative usage of digital media in Germany. Once a year the festival presents new and outstanding projects in the field of digital culture and provides reflexions on the role
  • The University of Tampa presents a biennial invitational exhibition of computer animations, digital video, interactive digital work, and virtual spaces from around the world. Some significant computer artists will offer lectures and presentations.
  • IJWBAA [eej-wah], also known as Pao or Paul Hafalla, is a digital artist, painter, and author based in Pangasinan, Philippines. His art blends influences from Rothko, Giacometti, and Venus de Milo to create expressive figurative pieces that explore
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ConFIGURING the CAVE is a computer based interactive video installation that assumes a set of technical and pictorial procedures to identify various paradigmatic conjunctions of body and space. The work utilises the CAVE technology stereographic
  • Event: Three SignifiersInstitution: Main StationComment: