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  • Cityscapes
    ... but of a shared imaginative space. Aesthetic Introduction Much of my work for the Internet has combined user participation, databases, and a sense of the Internet as a vast architectural space in which the participating mind, entering into it, is always at...
  • ... inheritance of generations and nations: I have considered all the possible scenarios of events as large databases and reality as a process of hybridization, transduction and appropriaton. “He can bear with equanimity the loss of his...
  • ... Moores University, CRUMB at the University of Sunderland, the Universities of the West of Scotland and Lancaster, and the Database of Virtual Art at the Dept. for Image Science. A new widespread condition of sociability invites a questioning of the role...
  • ... bank/economic crisis and the conflicts between Israel and Palestine. In addition, the topic series “From Archive to Living Database” was launched. The film programme revealed a strong tendency towards performative, playful acting, as well as the...
  • ... playing with the transformation of light and shadow in combination with musical creativity. The result is shared on a cloud database, collecting each part of sharing and transmission, as well as controlling the changes of light and colors through melody and...
  • ..."Botanica e Interfaz " consists of a native plant garden and a databases which collects the information about the environment state in Colombia.
  • ...Brouwer, Joke and Arjen Mulder and Scott et. al. Lash. Making Art of Databases. Rotterdam, NL: NAi Publishers, 2003.
  • ...Manovich, Lev and Arjen Mulder. "Metadating" the Image In Making Art of Databases, edited by Joke BrouwerRotterdam, NL: V2_ Publishers, 2003.
  • ...Dietz, Steve. Telling Stories: Procedural Authorship and Extracting Meaning from Museum Databases Museums and the Web (online publication) (March, 12th 1999).
  • ...This project is developing new means for querying relational databases and live datastreams through the manipulation of physical objects. Parameterized query fragments are embodied as physical tokens ("parameter wheels"). These tokens are manipulated, interpreted, and...