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  • sentient (being) -
    We live in the age of the quantified self. Physiological data is recorded over periods of time, and its evaluation and interpretation is carried out with the help of machines. Electroencephalography and imaging methods are used to measure patterns
  • As the work “Unformed Symbols” (2006), the work “Unformed Symbols: Another Side” (2008) recreates a card game, but this time as if it were seen from the reverse side, with only the plain backs of cards visible. Real cards and projected images of
  • Tongues of Fire -
    Film recordings of vibrating flames represent the articulations of speech, based on 19th century manometric flame devices. (source:
  • Excavation
    Excavation (part I), installed in All Saints Church, is a film sequence, projected on to the floor, showing an archaeologist’s hand gouging earth with a trowel during the excavation of Gawthorpe Hall the original Medieval manor house at Harewood.
  • Kisseleva, Olga, ed. Divers fait. Paris: Jannink Editions, 2010.
  • Artist: Anastasia ManouComment:
  • Array
    ArrayArtist: Lev ManovichComment:
  • Inga is the alien from Alpha-1 who after spending twenty years on Earth finally gets a chance to return to her own planet...Using the rules defined by the authors, custom software edits the film in real time, choosing what appears on the screen,
  • The Freud-Lissitzky Navigator takes the visitor on a journey through an architectural simulation of Freud's theories. Scenes from Sergei Eisenstein's first attempts at a film exploration of Freud's and Lissitzky's original
  • ANNA is Anna Karenina. ANDY is Andy Warhol. ANNA AND ANDY uses Tolstoys novel as a script which drives a computer-generated re-creation of Warhol´s "Screen Tests." Interpretation (Lev Manovich, Los Angeles, 8.12.2000) -------------