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  • ... ISBN 978-1-4863-0088-4, Canberra: CSIRO, Australia, 2013.
  • Virtual Terms -
    ... with one another and/or cancel out their weighting.
  • ... its Contemporaries. Conference canceled due to pandemic.
  • ...Paper accepted, conference canceled due to pandemic.
  • ... and ARCO Electronico Award WITH “Canal accessible”. Since then Antoni Abad... scuptural concepts to the use of new technologies, he moved from...
  • ... track of Glauber Rocha¹s film "Cancer" (1968-72) describing a 1968 Rio... gathering at the Museum of Modern Art and the people in the...
  • Tell Me the Truth -
    ... tragically succumbed to brain cancer in 1986. The final image was...
  • for pina
    ... Music: Lorenzo Brusci | Luca Canciello | Kalamandalam V.K. Hariharan...
  • ... positions at University of Canberra, a sessional academic at the... empowerment. Her work focuses on issues related to belonging,...
  • ...Seiko Mikami passed away of cancer in January 2015. She was an interactive media... since the 80's she used sound, robotics and eye-tracking...