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  • down Jones
    ... latest project, downJones [sendMail], is a demo of a virus for webmail sofware that slips short phrases into the body of any e-mail....
  • Haunted Media -
    ... the spiritual and E-Poltergeist which is an intervention in a web browser which starts to misbehave, giving the feeling of a ghost...
  • ...Through their interactions in the exhibition, a personalised webpage is generated for each viewer.
  • ... This space can be transformed automatically by scanning a website to extract its images, texts, colours and sounds. The system...
  • ... displaying these images within the screen space of a single webpage. Continuously gathering data from the newspapers without...
  • inSite 2000 -
    ... inSITE2000 recently completed, we have designed this interim webpage where you will find documentation of completed projects, as...
  • ... Martina’s body fall relentlessly and continuously across the webpage and screen space. As they fall, they sometimes find a brief...
  • the leap -
    ... The meta-information consists for the most part of webpages and pictures related to the Norwegian national romanticism;...
  • ... by serving Google text advertisements on a network of hidden websites clicked by bots. With this money we automatically bought...
  • Relazioni Emergenti -
    ... is to build a metaphor of the world of the communication webs and the mechanisms of formation of "collective messages" and the...