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  • ..."Semioptics for Spinoza", 2012 Shadow Object 3 computer, kinect, projector, metal, motor, arduino...
  • Multiplicity -
    ... and its further development as a kinetic object.
  • ... bigger steps and moves. Design: The object is made out of a ball-shaped helmet with a... the video glasses work with colour and a definition of 320 x 240 pixel. Balloon: ...
    ... with different mediums such as: 3D real object (maket-sculpture Planet Mar, 2005 and...
  • ... statement, an event, an installation, an object, a concert, a performance, a web site, a...
  • ... the magnitudes of de-materialisation of object and space. It is a more complex and...
  • Morphogenesis -
    ... users evolve a three dimensional organic object created using genetic algorithms. the...
  • Objects of desire -
    ... appears on the screen of a transparent object with the promising Sentence by...
  • Tree of Knowledge -
    ... is experienced. For example, the same object made of wood, stone or steel can have a...
  • ... the thumb the movement of the virtual object can be manipulated. "Impalpability" is an...