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  • ... of McMurdo Sound, 3,500 km due south of New Zealand, the driest and...
  • ... work has been exhibited in the Latin videoart festival (New York), in...
  • ... balance between North and South ­- in terms of world geography --... history, its relationship with America and the world, between the...
  • ... Robert. State of the (On-Line) Art Art in America (April 1999): 89-95.
  • ...e, Virginia. Reality by Other Means Art in America 84, no. 6 (June 1996): 38-39.
  • ... largely worldwide, in the EU, South America, Russia, and Cameroon. ... worldwide, in the EU, South America, Russia, and Cameroon. She is...
  • Mori
    ... for "forest-sanctuary" with the Latin "reminder of mortality." In...
  • Listening Post -
    ... of the Science Museum, South Kensington, London, and is on...
  • ... by Ross Harley, 123-139. New South Wales, Australia: AFTRS, 1993.
  • Arteries -
    ... based on a town/city in the South West region. The theme is the the...