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  • ...Organization: Regional Ministry for Culture and Tourism of the Autonomous Government of Extremadura Office for Cultural Heritage. Idea and...
  • ... and is a member of the program boards of the Festival der Regionen and LINZ FMR.
  • Pathway B
    ... writing and drawing sought to explore unconscious regions of human experience using spontaneous or non-rational methods...
  • Pathway 1
    ... writing and drawing sought to explore unconscious regions of human experience using spontaneous or non-rational methods...
  • ... and He was among the artists of Manifesta 11 in Zurich and of Regionale 17 in Basel. His artworks can be found in international...
  • Functional Portraits -
    ... imaging (fMRI) of the brain, in order to visualize the regions of the brain that are active while a given task is being...
  • Sorting Daemon -
    ... of the composite and then slowly separates into coloured regions which each move to their appropriate location in the...
  • ... Endurance: The Polar Studies transports the viewer to extreme regions of frozen beauty inhabited by wild creatures. Endurance explores...
  • ANTopolis - video
    ... however partly recover. The air in heavily industrialized regions became cleaner, the sky bluer, insects, birds and wild life...
  • ... complex sounds in the original versions. The software selects regions of theimage, reads the values of the sequence of pixels, then...