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  • AME: Art After Museum -
    ... simultaneously. At most, their representative icons may be presented in the same time, allowing the explorer to choose a path. ...
  • Windscreen -
    ... frame, In an inexact way, since the wind-shadow is much less precise than a light shadow. Still the relationship is immediate...
  • Cityscapes
    ... Maps, the mapping software, enables contributors to identify precise locations, right down to street and street number, and to mark...
  • ... affixed with wheatpaste on the walls of public buildings at the precise spot on the wall where they appear in Google’s Street View...
  • Homes
    ... of the interiors by using a simple computer interface. In the present version of the installation, three interiors can be viewed...
  • ... by sliding the mouse arrow across the map and clicking on a pre-existing blue or red pin. The mouse wheel enables visitors to zoom...
  • ... tilting the assemblage, pivoting two of its walls using a precise system of counter-weight, grooved pulleys and steel cables. ...
  • ... – 91) theduo explored not only the new medium of VR but also presented a philosophical debate about humanmachine interaction and the...
  • ... The exhibition through the means of photography and new media, presents the living space of the fishing village Tai O, with snapshots...
  • SoleNoid
    ... within circles... The mechanical manipulators or to be more precise the compressed air cylinders and valves are combined with a...