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  • FLEISCHMANN /STRAUSSThe Archive of Digital Art, 12/2023Text by Alejandro Quiñones RoaInterview by Carla Zamora and Alejandro Quiñones RoaMonika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss, art collective and professors from Germany, are esteemedfigures
  • Camille Baker is an artist-performer/researcher/curator within various art forms: immersive experiences, participatory performance and interactive art, mobile media art, tech fashion/soft circuits/DIY electronics, responsive interfaces and
  • Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss, renowned German art collective and professors, have made significant contributions to the realm of digital media art and interactive installations. Pioneers in the field, they have not only created immersive
  • Kisseleva, Olga. INTER-ESSAI: Oeuvre en dialogue. Saarbrücken: Editions Universitaires Europeenes, 2010.
  • Nechvatal, Joseph. Immersive Ideals / Critical Distances. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009, 2009.
  • Albuquerque,Beatriz. Video Games + Glitch = Learning: Video Games Vs. Teachers. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012.
  • Statement Seit Mitte der 90er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts beschäftige ich mich mit dem urbanen Raum, Naturphänomenen, dem menschlichen Körper, politischen Themen und virtuellen Welten. Im Rahmen meines Kunststudiums habe ich Werke entwickelt,
  • Tamas Waliczky was born in 1959 in Budapest. New media artist. Lives in Budapest, Hong Kong and Vienna. He started making animations at the age of nine. He then worked as a painter, illustrator and photographer. He started working with computers in
  • VIRTUAL STRIPTEASE : DISTRIBUTED VIRTUAL STUDIO BROADCAST 1995 For the International Video Art Award ceremony organized by ZKM Karlsruhe and Suedwestfunk Baden-Baden (SWF) in 1995, Fleischmann and Strauss conceive a broadcast with audience
  • Resonanzen I -
    Event: Resonanzen IInstitution: Stadtgalerie SaarbrückenComment: