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  • ...Vincenzo de Bellis and Caroline Dumalin, ed. MARIO GARCÍA TORRES: ILLUSION BROUGHT ME HERE. Minnesota: Walker Art Center, 2019.
  • ...Event: Slick Art FairInstitution: La Bellivoise Comment:
  • Bellour, Raymond. Présences virtuelles In Les Frontières esthétiques de l'art, , 179f.. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1999.
  • ... 3) Part 3 a attraction / architecture / association / algorithm / arresting / angrily b bearings / branch / borderline / bellow / border / breathing / bobbin / breakdown / beauty c code / controls / change / clue / countersign / clamour / chirp / claim /...
  • The Magic Flute -
    ... the rational, the fantastic, the contradictory.." He also elaborates on the idea of the 'chambre noir": "If we were in the belly of the camera, the empty stage is the working space for the optics of the camera…where the three-dimensional world is recreated...
  • SensingSpeakingSpace -
    ... forth" and "revealing" in the green text screen mode. The sound consists of several layers (drone, singer, water sounds, bells, speakers, etc.) with variations for each of the two visual states. The vision program send messages over a network to a...
  • ... beneath the surface utajené priestory pod povrchom the sound of footsteps on stone zvuk krokov po kameni the slow echo of the bells stále _írej_ie echo zvonov rhythms escaping from passing vehicles rytmy okoloidúcich vozov the voice of the news _erstv_ hlas...
  • ...Event: Smile: Formaggio con QuesoInstitution: The BelltableComment:
  • ...Event: Si Vis Pacem, Para Numerica Bellum, Digital Peace 2013Institution: Platoon KunsthalleComment:
  • ... in Venice, Museo Tornielli in Ameno. MACT & CACT Museo e Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Ticino and Museo Villa dei Cedri in Bellinzona, i2a International Institute of Architecture in Lugano, Haus der elektronischen Künste and Fondation Beyeler in Basel,...