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  • Time Capsule -
    "Time Capsule" is a work-experience that lies somewhere between a local event-installation, a site-specific work in which the site itself is both my body and a remote database, a simulcast on TV and the Web, and interactive webscanning of my body.
  • Time and Time again -
    Time&Time Again extends media navigation to a site-specific context with both web- and body-based interfaces. A distributed interactive installation, the piece was commissioned by the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum in Duisburg, Germany, as part of its
  • THE DOLLY CLONES Tilllie, The Telerobotic Doll 1995-1998 http://www. and CybeRoberta 1970-1998 These two telerobotic dolls share information and vie for images to
  • SHORT BIO Jon Thomson (b. 1969) and Alison Craighead (b. 1971) are artists living and working in London. They make artworks and installations for galleries, online and sometimes outdoors. Much of their recent work looks at live networks like the
  • Event: The Unpredictable Future of Dumped Art Project and his online work – The Dump – that became eventually a doctorate thesisInstitution: Translatio Exhibition, CHARBON Art SpaceComment:
  • The Telegarden -
    The TeleGarden is an art installation that allows web users to view and interact with a remote garden filled with living plants. Members can plant, water, and monitor the progress of seedlings via the tender movements of an industrial robot arm.
  • The Tele-Actor -
    We are studying network-based systems that allow groups of users to "explore" live remote environments such as a rainforest, biotechnology lab, political rally, or rock concert. The "Tele-Actor" is a skilled human with cameras and microphones
  • The Tables Turned is preceded by Telematic Dreaming from 1992 and Telematic Vision from 1993. This installation is a continuation of the telematic theme placed within another social context. Dreaming used the bed, Vision used the sofa and The Tables
  • The Spectrascope -
    The gallery installation of The Spectrascope consists of a large scale projection of the image updating in real-time accompanied by the 'fear frequency'*. This is an audio frequency of 19hz, which is just below the range of normal
  • Presentation of the artist's work at a public show and tell lecture. [source:]