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  • ...Event: Variety Theater, Los Angeles:Institution: Interactive Media FestivalComment:
  • ...Variations 504 is an interactive music installation that engages viewers by allowing them to control the music they hear by interacting with the sculpture. It consists of an array of balls, tubes and cubes. By moving the balls, participants can mix their own version of...
  • ... working in art since 1990. Specializing in media art from 2005, particularly in the field of art and science/hybrid art and interactive/open documentary. She uses interactive, immersive and XR systems. She teaches in this field at Politecnico and Albertina...
  • ... unveiling their societal impact beyond their technological and aesthetic potential. Creating subtle though spectacular interactive artworks, he has been exhibited in major international museums, biennials and festivals in 24 countries around the World....
  • Utter
    ...a voice recognition and generative grammar interactive installation and performance artwork Source: Simon Biggs
  • ...Event: Utopie et création interactiveInstitution: Utopi@Comment:
  • ... at Zeitfenster Biennale Alter Musik 2002 in the DaimlerChrysler Building, Berlin. In its later iterations it became an interactive 3-D computer-graphic installation that provides an evolving and elucidating visualization of the polyphonic music of the...
  • ...Benayoun, M. and Stephen W. Gilroy and Marc Cavazza. Using affective trajectories to describe states of flow in interactive art International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technologies (2009).
  • ...user_mode is an international, multidisciplinary symposium looking at interactive art and design practices. It examines how creative practitioners engage the emotions of the audience/user. What is meant by emotional engagement? Is it immersion, rapture, agency,...
  • ... experience. In the 1990s installations were geometric processes of seddlement patterns. Since 1995 the installations became interactive, responding with algorithms to architectural aspects by using video tracking technology. Aside, Ursula Damm developed...