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  • Viewfinder
    ... is to provide a straightforward procedure for geo-locating photos of...
  • Architext - video
    ... from inside out. A 20m high column on the Europaweg at one of main... of 9 cylindrical LED alphanameric units with rotating texts that...
  • ... encrusted on the support columns of the Wilfredo Lam Art Center....
  • ... are then stored on a server and processed by the smiley on the screen...
  • Unstable -
    ... is randomized by computer processing. These are projected onto a...
  • Time Capsule -
    ... for the completion of the basic procedure, the microchip implantation,...
  • Particle Dreams -
    ... particles simultaneously, one processor for each particle. Karl Sims
  • Primordial Dance -
    ... created using an interactive process of "artificial evolution." The...
  • ... poetics and context-dependent processes with materialities can...
  • ... Since 1997, I have investigated the process of “reverse engineering” by (re...