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  • In der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde die Kategorie des Schönen einem radikalen Wandel unterworfen. Das vertraute klassische Schönheitsideal, insbesondere der ideale schöne athletische Körper in der Nachfolge der Antike, wurden vom Diskurs der
  • Mit der Präsentation neuer Arbeiten – Zeichnungen, Drucke, Stereoskopien und einer 8-minütigen filmischen Anamorphose – schließt William Kentridge sein Engagement als erster Inhaber der Max-Beckmann-Stiftungsprofessur in Frankfurt ab. Kentridges
  • eural is a printed magazine established in 1993 dealing with new media art, electronic music and hacktivism. It was founded by Alessandro Ludovico and Minus Habens Records label owner Ivan Iusco in Bari (Italy). In its first issue (distributed in
  • Missing matter -
    Architectures réactives de la communication Le virtuel c’est le réel avant qu’il ne passe à l’acte. Un non-espace non-matière. Il prend forme en s’actualisant. L’architecture du virtuel c’est à la fois l’architecture de l’information et
  • Solar -
    As I mentioned in a previous entry, I am working on an application to be presented at the V&A Decode exhibition opening in December. I was asked to rework the Solar piece so that it could be audio responsive in real-time. During the development,
  • Windscreen -
    Windscreen is an experimental, wind-driven physical interface, 2001. Any physical scale habitable by the human body is also "inhabited" by massive levels of sensory data, equivalent to perhaps millions of analog-to-digital inputs a second. My
  • Alvaro, Sandra and . Rendre la Terre Habitable (2024): 38 -59.
  • Mixed reality installation "COMBATscience Augmented II" is a mixed reality installation that critically reflects on science and its ethical implications, beginning with the gas attacks in World War I and continuing to contemporary research on
  • LUCENA, Tiago and Diana DOMINGUES and Hygor V. P MARTINS. Online Social Network based on Internet of Things and Habit of Drinking Coffee in South of Brazil 24th ISEA - International Symposium on Electronic Art 1 (2018): 390-393.
  • Alvaro, Sandra. Rendre la Terre Habitable (2024): 38 - 59.