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  • Menagerie
    ... immersive Virtual Environment installations that is inhabited by...
  • Nuzzle Afar -
    ... connected terminals in each installation sites in real space....
  • ... that has never been. The installation operates within an... - flowers, insects, organs, photographs, the components of living...
  • ...An interactive graphic installation through which the user can create and produce,...
  • Orchisoid
    ...robotic installation
  • Be Now Here - video
    ...Be Now Here is an installation about landscape and public places. Visitors gain a...
  • ...Displacements is an immersive film installation. An archetypal Americana living... Displacements 2005 was shot and projected in digital video...
  • SeeBanff! - video
    ...SEE BANFF! is an interactive stereoscopic installation. It bears a strong - and...
  • ... consists of twelve interactive installations of very diverse...
  • ... MMB Architectonic-multimedia installation, MMB Virtual Application...