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  • Event: Shut Up and Feel!Institution: Architecture as a Social Dialogue, Workshop, Université Polytechnique de VienneComment:
  • hello process! -
    aymeric mansoux / marloes de valk , 2006-2010 Computer, dot matrix printer, chain paper and ink The source code of Hello Process! can be found at: and it is sold under Public License GNU , version
  • "I am a silicon valley unicorn. I make software art. I communicate between engineers and artists. I think a lot about issues of programming for non-programmers. I am best known for my generative computational aesthetics for Disney's TRON:Legacy. My
  • Blue Stage -
    Sound, film, music, photography and images, text: the Blue Stage interactive installation presents an innovative model for the multimedia representation of cultural themes. Here, new kinds of interaction of between man and networked knowledge are
  • Central Shutter (Computer Mobiles - Human Motions)Artist: Tamas WaliczkyComment:
  • Delicate Balance -
    Delicate Balance is an interactive robotic work designed to allow a fish to determine the direction that it moves along a wire, so it can explore it's environment beyond the limits of the tank. Bettas have excellent sight giving them the
  • Hamlett, Sian; Prophet, Jane. Sordid Sites: Voyeurism and Exhibitionism in the Internal Organs of a Cyborg FELIX Magasine: Voyeurism Issue (2000).
  • The fourth annual festival of performances in UpStage will be held on 10 October, 2010, featuring a record 17 shows made by more than 50 artists from around the world. 101010 began at 8pm New Zealand time on Sunday 10 October and ran until 4pm the
  • Mark Napier realizes only works for the Internet. He has produced a wide range of Internet projects, including "The Shredder" (1998), an alternative browser that dematerializes the Web; "Digital Landfill" (1998), an endless archive of digital
  • This exhibit displays art whose basic media consists of machinery, electronics or electronic media. These works are acts of conversation, with many different connections – a condensing process in space and time. Themes presented by active artists of