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  • Post Brands -
    "This is a triptych of three street art pieces that starred in a poster campaign that took place over several years in a number of European cities. The artworks were printed in black and white on wide format paper or stickers and pasted illegally on
  • Inspired by Jules Vernes’ classic novel, Ars Electronica, voestalpine and Linz09 are going on a ‘round-the-world journey June 18 to September 7, 2009. “80+1 – A Trip Around the World” is an expedition across the face of our planet and into our
  • Bio-Mass -
    Archival Digital Print, Sizes: 8”x10” and 13”x19” Epson Pigment inks on cotton rag substrate or Light Jet digital photo prints. (plus custom sizes or NFT by special order) Date created: 1990 It was created on the PC-based Cubicomp system and then
  • Wegener, Claudia. Bonjour, Bonsoir, Adieu Tristesse Item magazine on line 2002.
  • Event: BONJOUR, BONSOIR, ADIEU TRISTESSEInstitution: Espaço Cultural Sérgio PortoComment:
  • Sandner, Oscar, ed. mediumBerge – Das Mallory Projekt. Vienna: Triton, 2002.
  • Utopia Triumphans -
    Utopia TriumphansArtist: Bernd LintermannComment:
  • BrainWave Drawings/Non-verbal communication: on an oscilloscope, one person is emitting brainwave data via the x-axis, the other via the Y-axis; when both emit the same brainwave pattern simultaneously, a circular configuration or Lissajous pattern
  • Net artist Mark Amerika was born in the American city of Miami. He received a BA from the University of Florida in 1985. In 1997 he was awarded a MFA from Brown University, where he was employed as a creative writing fellow and lecturer for two